Something as Simple as a Plate of Food

As we reflect on our Thanksgiving celebrations in the United States, feasts filled with turkey, potatoes, stuffing, and more, let us take time to remember the less fortunate around the world. I personally know what it’s like to be hungry. After losing my parents, there were times I went for days without food. Since founding Rising Above the Storms, it is critical and our top priority that there is always food for every child that visits our Center in Rwanda. Even when they show up unannounced, they can count on the Center for something to eat. If a hot meal is the deciding factor between going to school and quitting on themselves, I want to do something about it. 

Many of our youth come from poor, single-parent households struggling with food security. Hunger is one of the main reasons why our youth drop out of school. Our youth end up in the streets in search of food, often begging and committing acts of desperation. How can a child hope to graduate high school when their basic needs aren’t even being met?

Food provides energy and fuel for growth. With counseling and an action plan to finish their education, a child can grow to be many things. They can grow beyond their current circumstances to be leaders, inspirations, and catalysts of change in their communities. They can rise above the storms. A plate of food can make all the difference in their journey.

The Center is their place of refuge, their lighthouse. We host regular activities for the children. Soccer has become one of our core counseling tools to help transform their behaviors and build better lives. We plan to expand and include more extracurricular activities. We encourage them to make their way to the Center for food and temporary shelter. We continue to show our youth an alternative to the street. Our Center fosters a loving environment inspiring our youth to learn, grow, and achieve; all starting with something as simple as a plate of food.

We invite you to join in to commit a $50/month recurring donation that ensures that a hot meal (and other necessities) will be available for each child as they visit the center.

If you are a Cisco employee, I encourage you to give on Bright Funds and Cisco will match your donation up to $25,000 a year. A lighthouse is a beacon of strength, a symbol of hope. These children need a lighthouse. We can be their beacon of strength!

My name is Assouman

My name is Assouman UwimanaI. I am 16 years old and have been at the Center since 2018. Before joining Rising Above the Storms, I was in a gang. But then I joined counseling sessions and I got off the streets and reunited with my family.

They helped me return to school. Thanks to their support, I passed the national exam this year to qualify for Senior 4 (10th grade in the US) and to major in Food Processing at EFA Nyagatatre. I have studied hard and am one of the best students in my class. My mother is very proud and supportive. My dream is to start my own food processing business. I am excited for what the future has in store for me. Thank you to everyone who has read my story and continued to support us!

Learn more about how you can help our kids:

My name is Irangishatse

My name is Irangishatse Nshuti. I am 19 years old, in my first year of high school, and have been with the Center in Rwanda since 2018. Before Rising Above the Storms, I was in the streets exposed to harsh weather conditions and dangerous animals. My future was uncertain. I sought solace in drugs to curb my fear and depression. I have changed. Now, life is meaningful. I value my studies and my family. I dream of becoming a mechanical engineer. I am part of the RAS and Amahoro Builders family. I am grateful for the person I have become. I am surrounded by other children I can relate to. A former street child has now become a responsible man! It’s just amazing. Thank you to everyone who has read my story and continued to support us!

Learn more about how you can help our kids:

My name is Isaac

My name is Isaac Byiringiro. I am 15 years old, in my first year of high school, and have been with the Center in Rwanda since 2018. Before joining Amahoro Builders, I was hopeless. I was on drugs. I slept in an abandoned building.

The Center has helped me restore my faith in self. My mother is proud of me and my entire community can see the transformation I’ve made. I’m back in school, studying hard, and even helping at home with chores. I hope to become a professional soccer player and want to further my education. Who knows, maybe even a phD… Why not?

Learn more about how you can help our kids:

Success Story: Idrissa Dusengimana

As a child, life became difficult for Idrissa and his siblings when his parents separated. His mother was left with the children and did not have the resources to satisfy their basic needs. Feeling neglected and abused, Idrissa turned to a life on the streets, stealing food and only returning home late at night to sleep. Education was not a priority to him, and he attended school for only a few days during his early childhood.

At the age of 15 years old, he received an invitation to attend counseling at the Center. His mental health and motivation improved drastically. His mother was impressed by her son’s improvements and attended counseling as well three months later. This was a remarkable success, and they subsequently enrolled in family counseling to further develop a healthy relationship.

With this intervention and education, Idrissa readily reintegrated into school and made tremendous progress. At 19 years old, he is now a well-disciplined pupil in senior six, always first in the class with exceptional marks. Idrissa has undertaken vocational training in general mechanics and looks forward to becoming a mechanical engineer at the highest level.

Read more success stories and learn about our organization’s impact in our 2020 Annual Report.

Success Story: Irumva Daniel

Born to a teenage mother without the means to take care of him, Daniel was left as a baby to be raised by his grandmother. He grew up feeling frustrated with his home life, constantly asking to live with his mother who routinely turned him away. Attempting to fill the void in his heart created by a lack of a loving home environment, Daniel dedicated his energy to life on the streets. He had no choice but to engage in destructive behaviors to survive the harsh conditions.

During this challenging period of his life, Daniel accepted an invitation to attend counseling for one year accommodated by Amahoro Builders. He started P1 at the age of 12 and became a driven student who flawlessly hit his academic targets. With help from the Center, he pursued family counseling with his mother and grandmother and began rekindling and rebuilding their relationship. At last, his desire to build a loving home was coming true.

He is currently 16 years old, studying in P4, and lives with his mother. Through the adversity faced in the streets during early childhood, he has developed exemplary resilience that he carries forth to this day. He has refocused his energy on his studies and become a responsible, level-headed student. After completing P6, Daniel intends to go into welding. Outside of studies, Daniel is a talented striker on the football (soccer) team and plans to become the best player in the world.

Read more success stories and learn about our organization’s impact in our 2020 Annual Report.

Success Story: Andrew Mucyo

Born into a disorganized and conflicting family, Andrew faced domestic violence and poverty early in his life. This led him to drop out of school and join the street life. He continued to be abused by his father and relatives and was not loved or cared for. Feeling hopeless and depressed, he consumed drugs and slept outdoors.

At the age of 12 years old, he accepted our invitation to attend counseling at the Center. A few months later, we were able to get his family to begin family counseling as well. This arrangement made Andrew’s integration back into his family and school much easier. Andrew, committed to change, resumed primary school two. He was brilliant!

At 16 years old, he is now in P5. We have seen him become strong in making decisions and is a well-disciplined and wonderful peace maker in the group. He dreams of becoming a medical doctor and the best football (soccer) defender in the world.

Read more success stories and learn about our organization’s impact in our 2020 Annual Report.

Success Story: Abijuru Line

At Rising Above the Storms, we have seen our children impacted by family issues, violence, or even an identity crisis. Since the age of nine years old Abijuru Line, now 14, has come to our Center because of such factors. As a street child, he faced critical conditions such as using drugs, theft, and intra-group violence. Recognizing his circumstances, he accepted our invitation to attend counseling with the goal to experience a social and emotional transformation.

As a part of our process to rehabilitate Line after just two months our team met with his family to identify what pushed him onto the street in the first place and what triggers would potentially pull him back. By doing so, we were able to successfully reintegrate him with his family and school.

Line’s success did not come without struggle. During this time, his father left the family leaving his mother to struggle to provide basic needs alone. His mother would then turn to unhealthy activities. The Center intervened by providing family counseling. Line was able to resume his primary school classes, sat for his primary six (6th grade) national exam, and graduated among the top in the country. He is now in senior school one (7th grade). He does well in his academics and is among the best football (soccer) players on the team. We continue to work with Line in group counseling and keep a close eye on how we can develop his talents. More importantly, we continue to see a positive change in his behavior, and he dreams of continuing his education and like many of our kids, wishes to be the best soccer player in the world.

Read more success stories and learn about our organization’s impact in our 2020 Annual Report.

Get to know our Executive Director and Founder, Alphonsine Anderson

The Inspiration for Rising Above the Storms

Last month, Alphonsine Anderson had two wonderful opportunities to share her story and the experiences that inspired her to create Rising Above the Storms.

The first came from Cisco, the employer of Alphonsine, and many RAS volunteers and donors. This year, February 15-19 was a special week at Cisco. It was the first World Social Justice Week, run by Cisco’s Inclusion and Collaboration Communities. The week was full of special guest speakers, including Alphonsine, that discussed a variety of topics on race, equity, human rights and much more.

Alphonsine had the opportunity to share the story of her family, including her parents and two older siblings, who were murdered in the Rwandan genocide in 1994. She discussed the vulnerable youth in Rwanda and how Rising Above the Storms aims to help and support these children. “I see myself in the eyes of those children. I could have ended up on the street. I could have been one of them,” Alphonsine says.

Additionally, Alphonsine spoke to the hope RAS brings for a brighter future. Sharing her own story, she says, can hopefully encourage others that no matter the difficulties we face, we can do something to be somebody or to positively impact someone else, as Alphonsine did by supporting 5 family members while she also attended graduate school. Just as one person can impact 5 lives, RAS aims to expand our reach to make a difference in hundreds of lives.

To hear more about Alphonsine’s story, how to get involved, and the vision, mission, and values of RAS, listen to her World Social Justice Week talk.

Also in February, Alphonsine was interviewed on the podcast “We Are for Good: The Podcast for Non-Profits.” The hosts of the podcast asked Alphonsine about her inspiration for RAS and how she got to where she is today. Alphonsine shares pivotal moments along her journey, such as when she first received a salary and could buy her siblings new clothes. It’s “the greatest memory of my life,” she says.

You’ll also hear from Board Member and Director of Marketing and Digital Experience, Devin Hood on what led her to get involved in RAS. Devin shares how the Board had to pivot from a 5-year plan to a plan of survival and recovery during COVID. She also talks about the RAS digital and social strategy and the importance of being vulnerable and standing in your truth.

Listen to the full podcast to hear more about RAS’s advocacy for children in Rwanda, how the organization has grown, and its vision for the future.

We are for good podcast for nonprofits cover image

Measuring Your Impact

A little goes a long way: Your donation makes a difference.

It’s a new year and the Rising Above the Storms leadership and committees are busy planning events, creating a new website, and keeping up our fundraising efforts, among other activities. There has been a lot happening with RAS, and we wanted to highlight some new initiatives in the works.

First, we wanted to thank everyone who donated to our Merry and Bright Amazon Wish List over the holidays. We collected nearly two thousand dollars of goods for the children through this donation drive. The school supplies, backpacks, and clothing will all be put to excellent use this coming year!

We are also working toward finding more ways to convey the impact that our donors have on the lives of the kids at the Center. That’s why we’ve decided to share this giving list in the blog; we want you to see that your gift truly makes a difference. Your donations go a long way to help us change lives, one at a time. Here are some examples of the impact your gifts have on the RAS Center and children:

  • $1 – $100 = masks, gloves, 8-10 books for the library, hygiene kits
  • $100 – $500 = field visits, 2 months of skills training, monthly soccer coach
  • $500 – $1000 = one month’s worth of groceries for 30 kids
  • $1000 – $1500 = 12 months of sports activities for the kids

This list is just the beginning. We hope it gives you an idea of how far your generous donations go and that, with help from all of you, we are keeping kids off the streets, fed, counseled, learning new skills, and playing lots of soccer.

Alphonsine in Rwanda at the Learning Center with children

As we move into 2021 (and month 12 of the pandemic!), we wanted to say how grateful we are for all of our supporters, staff, and volunteers. The next time you’re considering a gift to RAS, we hope you’ll take a look at this list we put together. Seeing how far your gift goes shows the impact that you are making on RAS and the children in Rwanda.

Stay tuned for video updates from some of the kids at the Center in next month’s blog.